To be honest, I never remember any of the dreams I have in my life.. unless it was a nightmare :(
When I was a little kid, my nightmares would come as in ghost , dinosaurs ( thanks to jurrasic park ) and some stupid monsters.
I still remember Gremlins giving me nightmares too... -.-
So I guess as I got older, this monsters didn't ever bother in nightmares. Instead, during my schooling days, my nightmares were constantly about natural disasters.
Most common of the disaster was earthquakes, which probably usually made my 4 storey school building fall. Always it happens. Till I got so used to it, I knew it was nightmare.
The one thing I truly hate about my nightmares is if that when I wake up, and go sleep again after 5 minutes, the damn nightmare continues and this goes on and on. Even if I know it is a nightmare, falling buildings still make u scared right ? -.-.
Anyway, I never had any real nightmares at Penang for some time. Till about October, after some test, I decided to get a nap. I can't really remember it properly, but i felt like I was completedly trapped in a tight cocoon unable to move, and something whispers to me some words like " hi " etc. His voice was something like the Gollum in lord of the rings movies. So ok, maybe it was a once in a lifetime funny nightmare. However, this nightmare has repeated twice again ( the latest several nights ago !!! ). Furthermore, this nightmare only occurs when i sleep at my Penang hostel .. not in the Kedah house. I stay 70 % of the time in Kedah during exam, and Im starting to feel my room is haunted. Haiz.. Thank god in penang no parents, whenever the effing Gollum voice and grip appears, I force myself to wake up, walk to the nearest CC and DOTA -.- .
In my latest nightmare, I actually remembered the dream I had after dota-ing. It was another nightmare, but not about that Gollum guy squizzing me. It was about my chemistry teacher. She is terrible at teaching, and she become my fucking pilot. Dunno how I ended up in a plane, and she was flying it. Expectedly, we were gliding in KL and going in between twin towers ( I know its impossible, but its a dream isn't it ? ). Expectedly, her noob skills at flying a plane made her crashed the plane into some unknown building. I got out of the plane, and ended up in some building. And the building was some kind of maze, I couldn't get out of it ! I was stuck OMG ! OMG OMG OMG ! Lucky someone called me on the phone, I instantly woke up, and I definitely did not want to reenter that dream and be on the same flight with the same teacher I hate in real life -.-!
After a terrible Physics paper 2 exam, me and James wanted to go to the CC and DOTA a few games with some of our friends online ( we are 2 sad people with no internet =( ). Too bad, another friend of mine called Collins somehow managed to convince us to watch a movie. I wanted Madagascar, but that guy wanted James Bond, so we went to James Bond. After 1 hour +, there was no electricity !!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooo !!! We got a refund, which took over 1.5 hours to get since the line was so long -.-. At least we sorta got a free movie, since the show nearly ended
And to those who wanna watch James Bond, I suggest you just wait for the HQ torrents or Pirated CDs. Or watch older James Bond movies. Daniel Craig was either running, jumping, or shooting people. Oh yea, and too get perverts to watch the movie, surely some little sex scenes which are jumping thanks to Malaysias censorship team. I dont know about Madagascar, but the review in Star Two looked good. Don't think I can see that in a cinema, so gotta wait for the torrent !