Sunday, October 26, 2008


I cannot blog much because of chemistry


Cause their fucking paper 1 does not make any fucking sense


1. Difference between NO2 and SO2
a. One is a food preservative and the other isnt
b. One is soluble in water
c. One is a reducing agent

The bold is the answer... Fuck them ? I so free see Mister potato ingredients ?

Example 2 :

Gecko is a lizard that can climb on glass. Their feet have pads that have thousands of molecules. When they climb glass, the molecules from pads stick to the glass molecules

What is the fucking bond formed between Their molecules at the feet to the glass ?

Answer : Die please you British capitalist pigs !

No wonder i am flunking my chemistry

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another IQ test

IQ Tests - IQ Tests

Jokes -.-

Thursday, October 16, 2008


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3 Way relationship !

I think it is...

I have to friends.

One of them is duck girl, and her boyfriend is camera kid.

This is my convo with duck girl

Initially she said haha, not funny, so not funny. I found that part funny. I intended to post this picture because of the funny lines.

Sadly, when i screenshotted, she already asked where is my gay partner ..

And tadaa !!

This is my convo with duck girls BF

Oh no ! Her BF is my gay partner ... HAHA !

The MSN screenies were not edited or photoshoped, but faces, and emails had to be ceonsored out to protect the privacy of the people and animals.

Bye bye !

Saturday, October 11, 2008

IQ Test

Be warned..

Never take an online, or even offline IQ test.

They are fake tests to make you feel smart.

Don't believe me ?

My first test merited me an IQ of 132, that was above average. I was kinda tired and took it lightly...

And now..

I decided to take another test... the result was...

IQ Test Score

I got that result..

I am a universal genious..

And yet..

I got a C for chemistry, 55 / 100 marks, and supposedly, I am a universal genious of 157.


If I am as smart as I am supposedly is/are ( my english sucks bad ), I should ace chemistry without sweating


Friday, October 10, 2008

. . .

So my parents want me study.

Next week exam - 15 october 2008 - 21 november 2008. YAY

And so yesterday i came back to kedah, they brought me to dinner at 7.30 with some of their friends. SO they talk talk talk till 1.00 in the morning... 4.5 hours talking there, and me, sitting doing nothing...

Waste 4.5 hour of my life. Pro-ness. They want me to study konon. Ask me go dinner 4.5 hour. How to study ? Waste only lar...

Next morning, I decided to wake up at 8.30 AM to dota. And at 9.30, my parents ask me to go for breakfast with their friend again. So celaka, my dota game cannot end. So i had to leave the game. We were gonna win 3 vs 5 some more


And the worst part is
Go breakfast
Come back at 12.00 cos they talk a lot, see how the fisherman collect their fish and sotong. KNN CCCB LAR.

My fucking exam next week, they are bringing me out to see fisherman. So far, i come back to kedah not even 24 hours, i already spent a whole 8 hours with fisherman. And they want me to study and get good grades


Idiots.. Noob parents. Haih. -_-.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I had a virus today.

So i got a virus today. How i got it, im not too sure.

I only downloaded Dota 6.55 map and visited ( football site )

Dunno which one gave me the effing virus, so anyway, dont visit -_-; i think io got it from there

The virus sorta says u have a virus and keeps popping up a window telling your internet explorer needs to be updated. LOL. And it popped up in a firefox window. Also, whenever u open my computer, it comes out with the same effing warning =.=;

I ran 2 antiviruses ( AVD and avast ) and both failed me... and i googled the solution and i got it.

Conclusion :

Google > Anti virus

Thats all

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Stupid trick CIE questions

And i thought Cambridge A levels was easy.

So after 2 consecutive days of truly studying chemistry ..

Truly study = Sitting there, reading and understanding
Showing my parents study = Book open, dreaming about stuff, and flipping pages every few minutes, to show my progress in case anyone drops by.

So I decided to do several subjective test papers.

They gave some trick questions

Example 1 :
Q : Why does exhaust fumes contain water vapour
My thoughts : As a malaysian student, my memory goes as far as, exhaust fumes has CO and NO, poisonous, pollute... nothing about water vapour

And the answer was... exhaust fumes are products of combustion, and there is always H20 produced !

WHEEEEE, my malaysian education failed me.

Example 2:
Definition of standard enthalpy change of reaction or whatever. Thats simple.

But they ask

Definition of standard


With my noob brains and after all that questions, I couldnt think

ANd standard is actually 25 degrees and 1 atm pressure


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Apple Bear Cat

I decided to educate some of my happy private blog readers today !

I realised some of you don't understand the name of my blog. Thus, today, I am going to educate you with a pictionary

This is an apple. It is a fruit that is red. It is sweet, unless rotten.

This is a bear. It is a furry brown animal. Do not mistake it for a dog.

However, the picture is a cartoon of a bear( red shirt) called winnie the pooh. On his right is his unidentified hot girlfriend.

And finally, this is a cat.
Cats vary in colour and are animals too. They are smaller than bears.

This is a modern day cat. To see more example of cat photos, visit

Thank you and good day !

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chemistry noob.

I am a chemistry noob. 55 marks.

Why am I a chemistry noob ?

The chemistry teacher sucks.

The end of the story.

I would love to type more, but i really need to study, or I might be some beggar at Kepong one day. Better avoid that ! Study time -_-

Mickey Mouse is Evil

Mickey Mouse is Evil

Disney Channel Stars: A Saudia Arabian cleric recently called Mickey Mouse "one of Satan's soldiers" who is "trying to trick Muslim children into loving mice." According to Islamic law, "Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases." Yeow!


And i think this is awesome

i ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ f٥гﻉ√ﻉr =)