Tuesday, April 13, 2010

OMG im in india

And of course, without breaking tradition i shall ot post any photos of my trip !

Im in India studying dentistry in Vinayaka or Penang International Dental COllege to be exact. Im in Salem, India, possibly the hottest badass city in the world. Temperature averages at almost 40 degrees, and you actually sweat right after you finish bathing :D. Awesome !!!

Ok, now about the trip... hmm.. it wasnt really interesting. Sitting in an air asia plane with a cute indian kid with his mum. The kid was super hyperactive. He kept taking out those travel paper/brochures and passing them to me and taking it back, as well as unlocking the compartment behind the seat of the person in front of you. But he was really cute, especially when he kept feeding me with some crackers his mum gave him LOL. So its good and bad :).

After flying to some tiruchipilli place in india, we had to go for a bus journey for 3 hours. Lemme tell you something, if you can drive in India, you can drive anywhere in the world lol. Its a tradition to hon anyone you see on the road so they know your presence. My driver hons about every 5 seconds, and so does all the drivers on the road. So its HON HON HON for 3 hours. Not to mention that India buses are actually those minivans, with CUSTOM MADE SEATS, which were customly made to squeeze 12 people in a van that probably could fit 8 or less LOL.

Anyhow, you cant sleep in the bus LOL. The road here is so rocky, if you lose concentration, your head will bang the side of the bus or the seat in front of you ! So, well, lets just say nobody talked or slept throughout the journey to my university.

Lets talk bout the amazing accomadation here ! Its so awesome, both your showers are amazing. One doesnt have a shower cap, so its like someone peeing on you LOL. The other shower cap is available, but well, you wont wanna use it. THere is some kinda fungus and mould on it that is irremovable, and about 5 CM thick. Use it at your own risk, but no one has used that shower of shit so far.

My room smells like dog shit and dog piss too. LOL. And its like a desert here, your room will be sandy an hour after you finish mopping.

In addition to learning how to be a dentist, I learnt how to handwash clothes too ! I know have inspiration to study hard to be a dentist ! Cause I wanna have enough money to hire a maid or buy a washing machine...

Oh yeah, my classes are so amazing, that they have it 34 hours a week lol. Thats completely insane. Every weekday 9am - 4pm, and saturdays 9 am - 1 PM. GGfied. I doubt i can play anything anymore :(.

Anyways i doubt I can dota or Rappelz ( to my friend gori ), in fact I dont have internet connection here. Im using my friends Mac PC, which is almost the same as Windows, but looks way cooler though.

The food here is like malaysian mamak food, with double the chances of diarhhoe, luckily, I ate so much mamak food at Kedah and Penang, Im almost immune to it !

Thats all for now, gonna type a lot more crap when I have my own connection and more shitty tales of India to tell !


Miss SS =) said...

change your settings laaa, i dont wana use google account anymore.

so anyway yeah, wtheck hahahaha what a good determination to study - so that you can hire a maid and buy washing machine lol! ;)

good good! that's truly logic. hah!

KuTeX said...

Eh anybody can view this blog le im sure @_@. DOnt need to login !!!!

Miss SS =) said...

no la my monkey friend.
i mean the settings of comments.
viewing your blog no prob.
hehe! sorry, my fault. didnt mention properly lol. =)