Monday, August 31, 2009



Today, I met some aliens. But todays aliens were special ! They cannot it till *.** PM !

This special aliens also understand our native language, :D.

So today, my dad and his alien buddies had dinner.

I talked to one of the younger aliens ( female ).

I found out she is in form 2, very fair for an alien of her species !

So happy, I finally could make contact with aliens !

Then my dad asked me to STFU because he trying to eavesdropping an older alien using their communication ear thing !

Aww, after so many times my dad asked me to make friends with alien, he ask me to shut up.

On the other hand, i realised this is my first convo with a girl ( alien or human ) since June :D.

Too bad, when the aliens can start eating, they move table. The alien adult and my dad decided to seperate us incase we make interspecies babies. Later big commotion.

Also, i think I wan to eat all types of meat in malaysia.

Thats all for now.

Peace to all aliens out there ^^

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