Saturday, September 5, 2009

Broken Ankle

My PC is so pathetic i have nothing to say about it.

On the other hand, i decided not to rely on my PC !

I decided to play football ( kicking a rubber ball and chasing it with my dog, pathetic aint it ? well thats my only life now ).

Oh, I also got injured in the process.

I tore my ankle ligaments YAY !

I need to put leg casts for a month for it to cure.. OR

Just let it self cure and it will cure between 3 to 9 months.

My mum chose option 2.

Im gonna go limp for the next few months thanks to my cheapskate mom.

Wobble wobble, i dont even have a walking stick. Without painkillers, i practically wince on every step.

Apart from a broken ankle and no proper PC, my life is just fine.


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