Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dad + Dad Watching Porn = Gone PC

OH BTW my parents fought, my mini laptop flew but did not break. Dam.

Anyway, my dad needed to use my laptop for some aheming/PCC/fap fap fap stuff.


Then my PC had some funny virus and my screen kept turning blue with some memory dump error message. No fear, I spent my PC time reformatting my shit ass PC ( 2 hours ) and spent a little while installing adobe reader ( took 2 hours this morning since I have crappy internet anyway ). I need adobe reader to read my past year etc. I also spent 1 hour + getting a new set of past year questions ( My stupidity is really high, i forgot to backup all the past year question after my mum accidentaly threw my old backup lol like 2 weeks ago, was too lazy ).

Anyway so my PC is all fine. Till my dad need send some stuff through the internet and dont want use his own laptop cause he scared virus.

So now, I do my pass year questions. MAGIC. My adobe reader keeps opening and closing for no reason. Cant even do bio / chem past year now =/. I have some virus AGAIN. Too add to that, I tried to burn the past years again ( as well as like firefox installer etc, but its obvioused its virussed because when i wanna burn, they tell me some error , means I cannot burn lol ). Ive never gotten that error message before.

Now, Im gonna format my laptop again.

Why format ? Why no anti virus !!

AVG And avast can detect no shit of this virus. Epic fail free viruses. And dont talk about buying paid antiviruses. The day my parents buy me those is the day i get 25 A's in A levels, be the universes best A level student and win a free scholarship to Harvard. That also they might not, because they will use excuse computer not good for me.

3P1C PH41L !!!! n00b. Virus 1337. Virus h@z pwnZ j00 !!!!


I feel like killing rabbits. Anyone got any baby rabbits to spare ? Killing rabbits is better than being some emo idiot using a knife to cut himself up. DIE RABBITS DIEEEEEEEEEEEEe





Thats all today

Yours sincerely,
Rabbit assasin-wannabe

Time to format PC YESSSSSSS !!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

no idea

To save my mum Rm 6.00 ( Enam ringgit sahaja, six Malaysian ringgit only. ) a month and make her happy not seeing the wires around my laptop,

I shall suffer from slow internet and constant dcing. ( DC 6 times so far in like 30 minutes, because all the wires are tied up and i dropped them all at once, maybe modem got problem ). Also everytime I want to check my modem light blinking or not, I need to crouch under the table, shift the modem and look at the lights.

Im so dieing young. Which is a good thing

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ive been studying and been studying well LOL.

But my mum kept bugging me about all the wires ( extension cord wire + laptop power cable wire + modem wire ). I couldnt stand her fucked up nonsense and asked her to use her fucking brains instead of making such a fucking fuss to solve the fucking problem.

So, after thinking hard and failing ( since her brain is only useful to moan groan and complain about how miserable her life is ), I told her to get me a proper computer table ( which is too expensive, idea rejected instantly, or use my current table ( a square coffee table ) and buy a mini cheap cabinet ( or build one myself ) to place under the table so i can keep the wires there.

So we did that, YAY. so all the wires are under the table, and u cant see them unless u bend down to look at it. If anyone enters the hopuse, to see the wires, you need to bend over real low or just be born a midget.

Anyway, despite being unseen by normal peoples eye, my mum demands the wire to be even more systematic. By systematic she means tying all the wires, bunching them together in rubber bands and wahla, SO BEAUTIFUL TO LOOK AT. Indeed it is. One tiny problem now remains !

Everytime I wan on my modem switch, laptop switch, i need to bend under the table to on :D. Everytime got problem, I need bend o\under table to check :D. Not to mention, I have no leg room.

In addition to that, I accidentaly kicked the cabinet once, and all my modems + speaker came crashing down to the floor. My wireless modem is now gone and useless. Because every wire was tied up, a little movement, the "systematic arrangement" falls apart like dominoes.

OH WELLLLLLL.........................................................

If I dont murder my family, they will murder me with their nonsense. Apart from that, lifes GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD,'

I had the best birthday gift EVER ! No Wii of course. My mum desperate to eat a buffet and conned my dad to eat some buffet. Traditionally, in buffets, I have to eat rubbish but expensive food like oysters and salmon. I stuffed myself with shitty tasting food, all in the name of recovering the amount needed to pay for my buffet.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Today, my dad said he wants to buy my super tiny laptop a proper keyboard ( I have been using my super cheap external rm 20 keyboard i got 2 years ago. All the keys have faded. But i have already memorized the keys ( hence, i can type in the dark too or without looking at the keyboard ). But my parents cant. Since my laptop is the family PC, they decided to buy a new keyboard OMG ! Then i requested to buy a mousepad.

My mum said " You can actually get anything I want in life. "


When my dad move to kedah, he ask my mum stay at KL with me while I do college. I say I want. But my mum scared my dad continue affair, hence, I was sent to Penang and brought back to Kedah on weekends. My mum said " You can actually get anything I want in life. "

My internet is an amazing 384 kbps ( cheapest, rm 60 a month. ) My parents never took the free modem anyway. I told them change to rm 66 a month ( 512 kbps. ) Mum say cannot. Cos need pay extra rm 6 a month, aka rm 72 a year. So expensive, can pay for 45 minutes of my mums facial/massage ! My mum said " You can actually get anything I want in life. "

With my super slow internet speed, I have been trying to download movies since my mum doesnt allow me to pay rm 5 for a blurry DVD movie ( too expensive ). I downloaded GI Joe in like 2 months LOL. When I watched it, my mum ask me what am I watching. When i answered my mum said wow thats so old. Of course, I can only on my laptop 2 hours at night. I cannot on when I not using even if I want download anything, because waste electricity. My mum said " You can actually get anything I want in life. "

And now the best thing. After saying for several weeks Im gonna go back to KL on raya, suddenly my mum says it probably wont happen.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today, I drove my dads benz for the first time alone. Everything was fine, I even parked fine. Then I got out of the car without setting it into the P gear. The car rolled down and hit a curb. FML.


Annoying mum

Since my toy ( hp mini ) is now the family computer,

It is placed in the living room.

I have to permanently mute my HP Mini.

Why ?

Whenever MSN sound appear, my mum would say OMG ur gf message u or whatever shit that comes out from her mouth !

If i play soccer games, she say OMG SO NOISY, pls softer, i wan listen to TV. Only mute shuts my mum up.

In addition, sometimes website got annoying ads with annoying sounds. My mum would say what is that? She comes over and check me as though Im downloading porn/watching porn on the family PC. Haiz.

This is what happens to mum's who work as teachers I suppose. They work half day only, too much time.

She never even cooks anymore, and my dad always ask her to cook, but she "tired" from work =.=. Half day only.

Dog shit and pee also I clean.
House mop,sweep and vacuum also i do.
Dog bath + pulling dog ear hair, cleaning his ear, putting ear powder and eye drop also I do.

What my mum do ? Bitch around because my book left on table :O. Bitch around because my dog left the ball on the floor. Even my phone move 10 degrees slanting to east also, she will ask, OH YOU USE YOUR HANDPHONE. EVERYTIME TOUCH HANDPHONE. HOW TO STUDY.


My mum life very easy.
I want to swap with her.
Go to school teach idiots and come home collect pay for half day. Then afternoon go masssage/facial/shopping. No need cook. Drive to lunch/dinner also now I drive since got license.
TV also she own.
If she at home not watching TV, she will be calling her friends to tell how miserable her life is cos her husband is cheating on her.

If I was my mum i would be fuck whatever my dad is doing lar. Let him whore around only, I still enjoy my activities. If angry also I would like hire my own son to shoot eggs into the fathers mistress house. Im sure the son would enjoy it.

Oh well..........................................................................




Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My sister wanted to buy me a Wii

My sister wanted to buy me a Wii, but my mum said no.

Yay me !


My ankle hurts more now =.=. Before this only the ankle had caused me pain. Now, it has increased to the top of my ankle too. Yay.

Also, my mum wont buy me a mouse pad, since i broke my old one ( which is RM 3, as thin as paper, and as useless as glass surface to a mouse

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Broken Ankle

My PC is so pathetic i have nothing to say about it.

On the other hand, i decided not to rely on my PC !

I decided to play football ( kicking a rubber ball and chasing it with my dog, pathetic aint it ? well thats my only life now ).

Oh, I also got injured in the process.

I tore my ankle ligaments YAY !

I need to put leg casts for a month for it to cure.. OR

Just let it self cure and it will cure between 3 to 9 months.

My mum chose option 2.

Im gonna go limp for the next few months thanks to my cheapskate mom.

Wobble wobble, i dont even have a walking stick. Without painkillers, i practically wince on every step.

Apart from a broken ankle and no proper PC, my life is just fine.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy birthday to me

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me !
Happy birthday to me me !
Happy birthday to me !

My dad decided to buy me a SUPRISE present, a brand new netbook, a HP Mini 1000 !


He bought it because he needs to use my current laptop.

He destroyed his own PC in some of the daily rages, and needs a powerful laptop to do his work. ( which is mine ).

In addition, my mum wants a mini notebook so she can carry it too school and surf online there ( her fellow school teachers do the same, she claim only she no net book. )

So tada ! I get a brand new net book !!!!, No graphic card, half the RAM, downgraded 2.40 to 1.66 GHz processor.

In addition, Im now gonna share my BRAND NEW BIRTHDAY PRESENT to my mum who will bring it to school every day ! She will plug in foreign thumbdrives and presto, viruses to my NEW BIRTHDAY PRESENT.

Happy 18th birthday to me.

I wish that this will appear in www.fmylife.com

Today, my dad bought me a new laptop for my birthday. That's because he wants to use my old laptop for work, which is more expensive, has better specs, runs faster, and has a wider screen than my new computer. I just got a downgraded laptop as my birthday present. fmylife

You know your life sucks when special mini laptop screen is smaller than your dick !

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Apple Bear Cat Starring !

The flawless plan : My parents decided to bring me up in Kepong, KL. I finished high school there. They threw me to Penang without even caring about my feelings to do college. And they decided to let me spend my holidays in kedah with no one around. Thanks Mum. Thanks Dad.



Aka my dad.

Physical description :
  1. Fat,
  2. 175 cm,
  3. Fat,
  4. 103 kg,
  5. fat,
  6. and has about 5 chins. And fat.
Mental Description :
  1. Money crazed.
  2. Lust from porn ( infecting my PC with viruses every now and then ).
  3. Likes plan suicide but lack balls to execute plan
  4. Loves womenizing
  5. Likes the shampoo girl at nearby saloon
  6. Has many affairs
  7. Hates my mum.
  8. Enjoys breaking chairs, doors during his " tantrums "
  9. Fat.
  1. Uses my inability to speak chinese as a routine jokes in dinners i attend.
  2. During dinners where other people pay, he enjoys saying I like a certain dish ( I fucking hate it, but Mr walrus likes it ), and forces the paying people to order that dish. Walrus gets his favourite dish, add his weight and enhance his image as a caring dad.
  3. Ables to eat chicken without eating the skin. Skin not healthy. But then, he will end up eating the skin ( after putting it aside, saying, SOMETIMES EAT CAN. )
  4. During family dinners ( me, my mum, and mr walrus ), he eats like a dog, and finishes 60 % of dinner. He also drinks all the gravy within first 5 minutes ^^.
  5. When eating with BIG family dinners ( with aunt, uncle, granddad etc. ), he act like gentleman, and eat less than victoria beckham. But after that, when driving home, go mamak stall eat 5 roti canai.
  6. Buy threadmill for rm 5000 and use it twice only. 10 minutes each round.
My Mum. ( no alias for her, i cant find a good short form for her list of illnesses.

Physical description : Shorter than me, lot of white hair which she claim i caused it ( although I have been colouring her hair since I was 12 ( im a18 now ) ? )

Mental Description :
  1. Forever depressed because of womanizing dad and how fucked up her son is. ( thats me )
  2. Suffers from telephoneandemailchecking-titis. ( described further in speciality ).
  3. Constantly thinks negatively.
  4. Likes going for facial or massage
  5. Explain all in speciality ^^
  1. Claims her life most miserable every minute you are with her.
  2. If she sit beside u, she will complain about her white hair, Mr walrus, my failed studies etc. Cannot watch TV in same room as her. Worse than kids in the cinema.
  3. Unable to receive comments about her weaknesses. She acts emo, and go out of room, and start cursing you ( she curse me ) that im exactly like my dad. ( bapa borek anak rintik ? )
  4. She divulges in checking your EMAILS, SMSes, CALL LIST. She will do that because she loves nosing into other peoples business. BECAUSE no one tells her anything, cos the moment she knows something, she tells her friends, sister, mother, school teachers ( she is a school teacher ). I have inherited this trait too. But no worries. I have not spoken to anyone except my parents for more than 1 minute for 3 months ^.^.
  5. Hypocrital. She goes for facial rm 50 per half hour and massage rm 50 per hour like 2/3 times a weak, for 2 hours. I wan buy movie RM 5, she say cannot. Waste money. I go upstairs forget off fan. She complain I make her electric bill rm 200 a month. Thank god i dont use the house phone ( not that i can call anybody ), or she will blame me for the phone bill too.
  6. Very emotional. Like crying and wonder why people do stuff to her. Life sucks, but she cant accept it. Oh well, only wussies like her keep crying,
  7. Very anti-motivator. She likes to keep telling me i cant study. ( because i flunked my a levels ^^.

  1. Whenever my dad goes out of town for work ( every 2 or 3 times a week, which is also the times when my mum secretly goes for facial/massage ), she calls everyone ( my dads boss, my dads friends, the hotel, the airlines he go to. This is embarassing for my dad and is the cause of 99 % of the household fights we have which results in more broken ornaments. Oh well, poisonous bitches never lose their mouths.
  2. I told my mum how her lectures/anti-motivational talk fustrate's me, but she keeps doing it. Even after I said that i cant study after she fucking annoys the hell out of me ( yes it does really happen, im already mentally weak, I plead for her help, but Help never comes for fuckers like me. )
  3. During conversations, my mum likes to slip in insults to you. EG : Talk about anything negative. She will say, oh, like you ! ( me ). Enjoy so much then everything fall apart. U study so shit, u never gonna make it to uni ( duh, with an idiot mum like u, im suprised I even passed my high school. ).
And of course theres me

Physical description : A combination of walrus and my mum. I look like a half walrus, half mummy.

Mental description

  1. Suicidal like parents :D
  2. No balls to suicide though, like parents too :D
  3. Comepletely no self esteem. I cant study :D. I have no life :D. I suck :D.
  4. Im a complete loner :D. I only talked to one girl in the pass 3 months. And 2 guys in the pass 3 months ( exluding my dad and my mum . they arent girls or guys, their retards and assholes. )
I lurk online ( not much now, considering my internet is rubbish, DisConnect every 5 minutes :D )
I also hate my life, my parents, school, studies, the world, my room, my internet, the floors in my house that needs mopping, my stomach that needs feeding and cooking, and practically almost everything in my life.
I love my blog, the only way I can ever express myself :). Even if im leading a false life, dreaming of a perfect family, or even just a perfect day :D.

Life is something very unique. Its something I dont have any reasoning for anymore. I have no goals, no friends, no love. I have applebearcat though :D. I sleep through the days, waiting for the minutes that I could once again enter this world. To feel happy :D !!!! Happy :D !!!!

Watching TV no longer makes me happy since my mum loves parking her ass nearby and opening her " how fucked up is my life thanks to you " radio ringing in my ears.

The internet is EVERYTHING TO ME !


INSANITY FTW ! ( To soony, this is for the win for the first time, not fuck the world :D. ), Anyway to soony again, chelsea FTW ( Fuck the world. ) MUAHAHHAHA.